Saturday 8th June - G-ATFR Returns

G-ATFR, our small Pawnee, made a welcome return to active service today after a prolonged period of absence.  As our most fuel efficient tug until the EuroFOX arrives, G-ATFR is usually employed as a second tug towing single seaters.  Many of the single seat pilots also prefer its more benign take off characteristics, particularly those with wooden gliders.


The conditions were ideal for Air Experience flights and those that flew came back with large smiles and a camera full of photographs.  We also had quite a few visitors call in to see what gliding was all about and we hope to welcome them back soon.

Training and cross-country flights presented more of a challenge with heavy sink between thermals and a sea breeze later in the day.

K21 - Ready to take-off on a Training Flight

Into the 'Blue'

 Then into the 'Green'  (Field landing exercises)