It's hard to know how best to convey how good this week was. We started with cloudy, unpromising conditions but a few brave souls took off and found wave. From then on things just got better, we got less cloud and more wave ! Wednesday was the best day with, at one point, 22 gliders airborne and Will Greenwood from Parham reaching just under 18,000'. George Rizk (Buckminster) and our own Derek Ward achieved Gold Height claims. By Wednesday night we had done 98 launches and over 214 hours of flying - an average flight time of 2 hours 11 minutes. At the briefing on Thursday morning those present were asked to put their hands up if they had been above 10,000' the previous day - 28 hands went up ! On Thursday, for a change we went thermalling and, whilst the cloudbase was quite low we still managed 30 launches with, virtually, all being soaring flights. Friday spoilt the week by being dull and drizzly - but at least we got a rest.
Some photos follow giving something of the flavour of the week.
Buckminster GC's new Perkoz got a thorough airing |
Some folk may not like Grouse shooting but the moor management has some advantages - not hard to see where the air is going up ! |
The Flarm monitor Wednesday lunchtime |
The BGA Ladder daily scores - actually we can't show the whole lot, there were 46 height claims put on the ladder |
and at the end of the day the wave is still visible with the stars shining through |
Photo taken by Tim Pearson, visitor from Camphill
Other photos taken by Stuart Black